ApplicantPro is famous at trade shows for their in-person bingo game, where show goers can play to win prizes while engaging with the vendor booth and representatives. The game is so successful that they decided to take it virtual in hopes on driving traffic to their social media accounts and generate lead flow. My role was to strategize and implement the visual strategy to be engaging and uphold the brand. 
The campaign was a hit success, with social media following and interactions improving near 50%, dozens of warm leads were gathered, and one demo for a large prospect was booked.
These images are the property of ApplicantPro Holdings, LLC.
I began by creating the cards that contestants would be using to play. It needed to be printable, while still using the brand blue. There were 77 calls written and laid out into 16 card versions, with 4 cards being winning cards. Can you tell which ones were the winners with the secret design detail? All links, social icons, and the QR were clickable in the PDF version for people playing on a device.
Once the cards were ready, I then created digital advertising announcements for ApplicantPro's Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, blog header, website header, and paid ads. It featured a teaser of the card and imagery of the prizes.
Social media posts were executed weekly as a drip campaign. Week 2 featured more realistic-looking imagery of the prizes and more instructions in the post captions. 
Two days before the event, the social media posts featured instructions on how to play.
The day of the game, there were 8 social media posts, on the hour, from 7 AM to 2 PM MST. Each post had 4 bingo calls. Winners chimed in beginning at 11 AM. The calls were designed to mirror the bingo cards and be easy to follow along.
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