I helped ApplicantPro begin a library of sales enablement tools in both a digital and print format. I used Adobe Illustrator to design the one pagers and guides, then adapted them to Google Slides so representatives could update their calls to action or contact info themselves. Included here are a few selected one pagers (flyers).
These images and content are the property of ApplicantPro Holdings, LLC
The above are one page flyers made for our trade show team to print and share at the booth. It was designed to match the ApplicantPro booth design for 2024.
The above one page flyers were designed for digital use when account or sales representatives are in communication with an existing or prospective client. They highlight different products or offerings in more detail to aid the sale or upsell.
The same one pagers used by ApplicantPro were rebranded for their parent company, isolved.
Another sales resource I designed for both ApplicantPro and isolved was an account expectations guide, which was sent digitally to new clients, or those about to close a sale, to detail what they can expect once they become clients.